Gun possession cases are extraordinarily challenging types of cases here in New York City and throughout New Jersey. All a client can do is retain the best attorney possible and begin the process of negotiation with the prosecutor. A client’s background and prior conduct are going to be key in how the possession of a gun case is treated.
Anyone, attorney or otherwise, who promises a client an easy success on a gun case is being unrealistic. The best route for the client is to hire a defense attorney who is respected by the prosecutor’s office, who is a former prosecutor with tremendous Grand Jury and trial success, and who has been practicing criminal law for many years.
Often, the only thing a client with a gun arrest has going for him is the quality and reputation of the attorney. Mr. McCarthy is capable of achieving some of the best results obtainable in the Criminal Courts throughout New York and New Jersey. Nowhere is that ability more needed and prized than in a challenging gun possession matter.
As an example of Mr. McCarthy's ability in a gun possession matter, is a recent success he achieved in Bergen County, New Jersey. On a gun possession case (with two handguns recovered), after an initial plea offer of 3 years in state prison, the client was ultimately admitted into the Pre-Trial Intervention Program (PTI). Upon completion of the PTI program the case was dismissed. An extraordinary success on a gun case, and representative of Mr. McCarthy's ability as a defense attorney, in handling successfully a very difficult criminal defense case.
Please see the Successful Case Analysis section of this website, for a description of how that dismissal was obtained.
Anyone, attorney or otherwise, who promises a client an easy success on a gun case is being unrealistic. The best route for the client is to hire a defense attorney who is respected by the prosecutor’s office, who is a former prosecutor with tremendous Grand Jury and trial success, and who has been practicing criminal law for many years.
Often, the only thing a client with a gun arrest has going for him is the quality and reputation of the attorney. Mr. McCarthy is capable of achieving some of the best results obtainable in the Criminal Courts throughout New York and New Jersey. Nowhere is that ability more needed and prized than in a challenging gun possession matter.
As an example of Mr. McCarthy's ability in a gun possession matter, is a recent success he achieved in Bergen County, New Jersey. On a gun possession case (with two handguns recovered), after an initial plea offer of 3 years in state prison, the client was ultimately admitted into the Pre-Trial Intervention Program (PTI). Upon completion of the PTI program the case was dismissed. An extraordinary success on a gun case, and representative of Mr. McCarthy's ability as a defense attorney, in handling successfully a very difficult criminal defense case.
Please see the Successful Case Analysis section of this website, for a description of how that dismissal was obtained.